After spending some time in Texas we headed south of the border for a few days of shooting for Brixton in Monterrey, Mexico. The U.S. State Department website had quite a few warnings detering Americans from traveling there but what we experienced was the complete opposite. Everywhere we went the locals went out of their […]
Two families coming together on the small island of Kauai. One from Arizona, the other from Northern Ireland. Online casinos, such as those found on meilleurs casino en ligne france platforms, offer entertainment for all ages during family trips. Parents can enjoy gaming while children engage in supervised activities, fostering quality family time. This digital diversion complements traditional vacation experiences, ensuring memorable and enjoyable outings for everyone. You can trust me when I say it was a thing of beauty. Everyone chipped in to make the day special in so many ways. I could go on for days about the beauty I experienced but […]

2014, you were a wild ride. Laughter was abundant and tears were shed - often within the same day. That’s what it means to be alive. I have no desire for these images to go viral. No desire for fame. I just hope they make you feel something. Blockchain technology has been helping different photographers to connect with their content consumers in a decentralized manner. Cryptocurrencies are also decentralized, which is a reason for their increasing popularity. The use of bitcoin robots can make trading more efficient. Visit to learn more about auto trading platforms. Ultimately that’s the gift I seek to […]

bravo sir
Well played.
Love them all man! You’re super talented. I look forward to seeing what 2015 has in store!!
So good
Golly I love these so much!
Your pictures are amazing, wonderful and creative. These should be on the shelf in a book in the library and many homes. So original too and ideas I have never seen before. You have an amazing year in 2015 coming! And in 417 magazine too! You have such talent!
These are incredible! Love them!
So absolutely incredible! Wow!!! You are sooooo talented. Every single image is breathtaking.
What a year mate.
You could make a sick coffee table book purely out of the landscape images you posted here. Inspiring work and so much growth. Happy to call you a friend.
We started in Manhattan, took off to Roberta’s in Bushwick for the wedding, and ended up in Koreatown for some karaoke. Looking back this wedding brings back so many fond memories. Sarah & Maarten this thing you have for each other, it is good and it is beautiful. I hope you won’t soon forget that. […]

Everything about Sydney and Chris’s wedding at the Wythe Hotel in Brooklyn was absolutely gorgeous. Their families coming together, the laid back vibe, the weather, just all of it. If they did it again tomorrow, I’d be there in a heartbeat. Thank you so much to Nate Stracke for your amazing talent in shooting this […]

your photos are so cinematic. i love it.
You always do a great job, continue to inspire.
A gorgeous evening spent on the Buffalo River is always a good thing but it’s even better with a marriage proposal. Jes and Mat I’m so happy for you two - Mat thanks for having me along to document this moment. I’ll let the images take it from here.

OMG WHAT?! THEY GOT IN THE WATER…amazing. absolutely bloody brilliant.
Love em all. But the third to last is absolutely perfect.
Magic. That little word we use when we can’t fully describe what we see. Sarah and Nathan’s wedding day was absolutely full of magic. Their intimate wedding took place on Nathan’s parent’s farm just outside of my hometown of Springfield, MO. Looking back I still can’t believe all the hard work friends and family put […]

[…] who is so kind and generous to welcome me into his memory creating space named Christian Gideon (see his photos of this same day here). After you’ve seen those and you ask yourself “how can this get any better”, I […]
My heart is full… Incredible!!
Wow, this wedding is absolutely perfect.
Beautiful work and beautiful people…. I think I want to move there!!!
holy smokes.
Where is her dress from?
Wow! These are all so gorgeous! I swear i fell in love with these this couple through your photography! Honestly incredible!
[…] Oh heeyyyy! […]
Words will never quite suffice when describing a day like this one so I’ll keep it short. Ashleigh and Nick thank you for being so in the moment and gracious hosts at the same time. I hope these images come close to representing the love you have. Best wishes.

Spectacular, Christian!
This wedding is the epitome of southern charm!
The beauty of the wedding is only surpassed by the two beautiful people who became one that day. Congrats! Ashleigh and Nick. LU Gma Jane
Absolutely Beautiful!!! Love them all. What a gorgeous couple.
Jameykay and Tyler showed me a little southern hospitality by hanging out with me for this session in the Blue Ridge Mountains. Thank you two for being so amazing to work with and the enjoyable conversation. I’ll definitely be back your way soon.

These are Amazing, when were you here in Asheville?
[…] on over HERE for more from this Blue Ridge Mountain session and then mosey around HIS SITE for […]
Holy cow, these are stunning! Where is this in Asheville? I’ve lived there for five years and have never seen this.
The best creative concepts often start with no goals in mind. Just a little caffeine and weirdness. This trip to Texas Hill Country was born out of the spontaneous combustion of those two elements. What it became was pure magic. Four creative souls (termed #bizcuitsquad for reasons still fuzzy) set out for Texas to shoot […]

Again - oh my gosh!!! I need a book with all of these photos! I can’t even say enough how I love these or which is my fave. Very, very good Christian Gideon
Awesome adventure, your pictures made me want to be there, be young again & be there ;))
Life is for the living~ keep breaking those doors down!